We are a small business and make every effort to provide you with preowned luxury handbags, shoes, and accessories available for sale. Before purchasing, examine all photos available in the listing, as we have a no-return policy. The products have flaws, and we do not offer refunds, returns, or cancellations. You can request additional photos if needed before purchase by emailing dlc@designlifecompletely.com.
DesignLifeCompletely (DLifeC) is committed to providing our customers with 100% authentic luxury preowned products. While we are not authorized resellers for the brands we sell, we uphold the commitment to ensure your purchase is certified using a third-party authentication service. We offer certification of authenticity for our luxury products. We guarantee authenticity or 100% money back. Please get in touch with us at dlc@designlifecompletely.com and provide evidence of an authentic product; we will provide you with the next steps in fulfilling our guarantee.
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